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The world’s exploding population has led to the degradation of water quality in both rivers and lakes.In China, India, and countries in Southeast Asia especially, industries have been growing rapidly along with the expanding population. Measures to protect the environment, however, have not kept pace; and this has led to difficulty in securing clean water.

The solution to these problems requires innovative technology that goes beyond the existing
thinking and delivers high-QCP (Quality Cost Performance).

In response to this need, we have developed highly-functional microbial retention agents, BFrogomark(BF) based on revolutionary new concepts.

By fully incorporating the unique and innovative characteristics of BF into a water
treatment system with active technology that brings us back to nature, we have greatly expanded the potential for water treatment technology, achieved innovative advances, expanded application, developed technology that succeeded in delivering a high-QCP system. We will contribute to the improvement of the standard of living through such activities.
the president-director picture
As a manufacturer of BF materials, NET is actively working to promote environmental improvement by proposing the most effective systems to local engineering companies based on the wealth of experience and know-how we have accumulated inside Japan.

Furthermore, we are planning to establish an integrated and continuous BF production system in China and achieve stable supply and considerable streamlining to respond even more effectively to customer needs and requests.

Toichiro Koyama
President & CEO, Networking of Engineering and Textile Processing


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